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Terms and definitions used by payment processors  and the payment processing industry.
The Real Cost of Card Payments
To accept cards, do merchants have to pay more, a lot more, than interchange fees to process payments.
The Small Business Owners Guide to Surcharging  Updated June 2024
A business owner’s guide to surcharging. Every you want and need to know.
From Zero to Online Payments 
The small business guide to getting started with online credit and debit card payments.
Cleaning and Disinfecting Credit Card Terminals
Best method for cleaning a credit card terminal
Small Business Owners Surcharging FAQ’s

We answer business owners questions about surcharging.
Learn what it take sand how to get started with surcharging.

Are You Really Getting a Good Deal from Your Processor?
A close-up look into what payment processors actually charge per transaction.
Merchant Accounts – What You Should Know in 2022
The essential guide to Merchants accounts for SMBs for 2022.
Chargebacks – What Your Government Agency Needs to Know
A guide to chargebacks and how to prevent them for government agencies.

FAQs & Support

Surcharging FAQs
All the most frequently asked questions about surcharging
CAPTCHA Accessibility
How CAPTCHAs safeguard online experiences
WooCommerce Plugin
Download the IntelliPay WooCommerce plugin


ACH Web Validation Explanation
How our Web ACH validation system works
ACH SEC Code Chart
Chart of SEC codes, definitions, and how they are used
ACH Reject-Return Codes
A merchant guide to ACH reject-return codes including descriptions, account types and in some cases suggestions on how to correct.

Merchant Funding

Why Are My Funds Being Held? 
In this article we review the top three reasons a merchant’s funds may be held and what a merchant can do to fix the issue.
Why Are My Funds Being Held?  Part 2 TIN Mismatch
A TIN mismatch can result in a merchants funds being withheld by the IRS.  In this guide, we explain TIN mismatch and how to avoid IRS withholding.
Why Are My Funds Being Held?  Part 3 Merchant Reserve Accounts
Merchant reserve accounts are another reason why a Merchant’s funds can be withheld.  We look at the reasons for merchant reserves, the types of reserve accounts and what you as a merchant can do to get that money released.
Why Your Books Need Some TLC.
Bank reconciliation may not be on your fun things-to-do list, but it is crucial. This guide explores why you must consistently reconcile your book against your payment processor statements.

Cybersecurity & PCI Compliance

Getting Started with Cybersecurity

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework can help an organization begin or improve their cybersecurity program. Built off of practices that are known to be effective, it can help organizations improve their cybersecurity posture.

Guide to Safe Payments

A PCI guide for merchants on protecting your business with PCI’s recommended security basics.

Presentations & Videos

Video – Send Pay Now Links by Text
Use OneLink to send secure pay now text links to customers to reduce late payments.
Podcast- CEO discusses Payment Trends
Our CEO talks about how he got started with IntelliPay and payment trends.