Leverage our numerous Card and ACH payment acceptance models to achieve substantial cost reductions or a revenue-neutral processing position.
Solve multiple
challenges with
a single secure
cloud platform
IntelliPay helps you solve today’s payment acceptance challenges with
our industry compliant and highly customizable cloud payment platform.
Technical Challenges
Solve unanswered and challenging technical issues with our customizable suite of cloud hosted, semi-integrated and fully integrated Card and ACH processing solutions.
Business Challenges
Payment acceptance use cases can run deep with today’s enterprises. We can customize our 12 front-end solutions to deploy a solution that addresses all your requirements.
Unified Control
Unified control for all payment methods, access points and devices is increasingly difficult and complex.
SOLUTION: IntelliPay has numerous traditional absorb-fee and reduced cost payment models managed in cloud hosted solution that allows payment acceptance diversification while maintaining centralized control.
Break-Through Technical Barriers
Field sales and service organization need mobile access and payment acceptance solutions that integrate with current devices and technologies.
SOLUTION: IntelliPay offers enterprise business a variety of stand-alone, semi-integrated and fully integrated payment acceptance solutions customizable to your payment acceptance use cases and deployed device environment.
Platform, Not Products
Holistic, integrated solutions customized to the Enterprise improve conversion rates across touchpoints and realize efficiencies not possible with stand-alone products or off-the-shelf solutions. Our modular platform is customizable by department, division, or geography and even by acceptance methods.
Secure, Robust, Scalable
Our secure, PCI DSS Level 1 compliant, cloud-based, enterprise-grade platform is extremely secure and fully scalable to grow alongside your business. Our “Master/Sub Account” configuration makes IntelliPay a powerful solution for multi-location practices.
Additionally, IntelliPay’s hosted, virtual and/or online terminals, cover thirty-five percent (35%) of the PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire, reducing the hassles of making your business PCI DSS Level 1 compliant.