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Newly Elected?

or want to better understand payments and budgets? - we can help

Understanding Payments

Payments are complex with many layers and players.  The terminology and acronyms are confusing at best  In this series, we peel back the layers, so you understand whose involved, how credit and debit cards are processed, and how to optimize your payments ecosystem.

Volume 1 - Layers

A behind-the-scenes look at the layers and players and how they all work to process payments.


Volume 2 - Costs

We explore where the costs in payment processing come from and how to calculate a net effective rate.


Volume 3 - Pricing

A deep dive into statements, what they mean, and how you can use them to protect your budget.


E-Payments Essentials

Effectively and efficiently collecting revenue is key to your success. Digital or e-payments speed help collections, reduce late payments and  replace manual process.

In this guide, we help you choose the right e-payments solutions for your agency.

IntelliPay customer portal screenshot 11-3-20

Interchange Explained

Visa, Mastercard and American Express have programs that can effectively eliminate processing fees for government agencies and education.

Download this guide to understand why your agency or government should never fear interchange fee increase.

IntelliPay customer portal screenshot 11-3-20

Chargebacks Clarified

Fraud, especially friendly fraud, is on the rise.  While chargebacks happen less frequently in the government space, the transaction sizes can make them costly when they do occur.

This guide provides you with everything you need to know about chargebacks.

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Budgeting Resources

IntelliPay understands that budgeting and financial decisions are intertwined with payments and revenue collection. That is why we created these guides for those new to the budgeting process or who simply want a refresher.

No Obligation Review

If you have questions about your situation, we would like to offer you a free 20-minute one-on-one session where you can get all your payments and revenue collection questions answered.

To book time, email Phil Buck with times and dates you are available to: phillip.buck@intellipay, please include “20-minute consultation” in the subject line.

Server room with cut-out of clouds- City, state, county in the cloud