Reduced and no-cost payment processing for Lawyers
Lawyers can rest assured that IntelliPay properly deposits and accounts for client funds in trust accounts. Comprehensive reporting makes it simple to monitor and track funds. IntelliPay never debits trust accounts for processing costs and fees.
Helping clients set up payment plans to pay for legal fees can be complicated. IntelliPay eliminates the pain in establishing client payment plans with a natural point and click solution that integrates with your back-end software saving time and money.
Setting up a recurring payment schedule is another way that IntelliPay helps your client pay their legal fees. Recurring billing gives the client a regular monthly amount and you a predictable monthly revenue stream.
Give your customers what they want, and let them pay their invoices safely and securely online. Customers will love the intuitive interface and convenience. They can register or pay as guests, set up auto-pay, and view payment history. Integration with existing systems simplifies your accounting and operations.
IntelliPay offers lawyers a choice of reduced-cost payment processing solutions. With our reduced-fee options, IntelliPay’s technology automatically adds a modest fee to the invoice amount for all online, mobile, or pay-by-phone options. By shifting processing fee costs to the client, Lawyers receive 100% of their invoice amount, usually the next day (OAC).Interested in learning more about reduced-cost options? One of our payment experts is a click away.
Our secure, PCI DSS Level 1 compliant, cloud-based platform delivers quick and reliable authorization approvals and provides end-to-end encryption to protect your client’s sensitive data. Real-time detection an d authorization checks help mitigate fraud.
Custom payment portals, email/text reminders, 24/7 phone payments and virtual terminals streamline payments, simplify reconciliations, and reduce late or missed payments.
Already have a payment provider and can’t change? Continue to use your current processor where you need to, and use us for what your existing processor can’t provide. Your office can use IntelliPay for installment plans, online payments, mobile payments, and payments over the phone. We don’t have to do it all for you.
Our #1 Priority is to provide you with an integrated solution with your current case management software. Does your current solution not offer IntelliPay? No problem! With our easy to integrate APIs and terminal solutions, we can help you integrate the IntelliPay platform into your current software.
Also, we can create custom reports that will allow you to import payment records into your system that will automatically post the payments. Custom reports never cost you more.