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Let’s face it – keeping residents in the loop is crucial for any local government. Whether it’s service updates, new digital tools, or community happenings, timely and relevant communication it all needs to be communicated effectively. And if you’re looking to nudge folks towards your digital channels, how and when you communicate can make all the difference.

Blogs Can be Very Effective

Sure, you’ve got your social media profiles and maybe an email newsletter, but have you considered a blog? It’s not just about educating residents and sharing news – a well-crafted blog can boost engagement and provide a one-stop-shop for common questions, saving your customer service team from some of those endless phone calls.

Blogs are read by 77% of people on the Internet

People are turning to the web for information on local services and news. A solid agency blog not only gives them what they’re looking for but also builds trust and credibility. Plus, those educational posts can empower residents to find answers on their own, freeing up your staff for more complex issues.

And don’t forget – blogs aren’t just walls of text. Spice things up with videos, podcast links, images, or infographics. The more dynamic, the better – it’ll keep people coming back for more. Don’t have the time for all this?  There are tools out there that will turn your blog post into a podcast like Wondercraft or Descript for editing. Or text into images or graphics using Google ImageFX.

Now, let’s talk newsletters. They’re a great way to reach out directly to residents, but it can be time-consuming to create the content and do all the formatting.  At least it used to be.  Now there is an AI enabled tool that helps with newsletter creation PIKTOCHART with no design experience required.  PIKTOCHART is available in both free and paid versions.

What Should Be Included in a Newsletter?

Not sure what to include? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

– Updates, news, and important dates

– Links to your blog posts, social media, and FAQs

– Volunteer opportunities and community events

– Job openings at the agency

– Spotlights on exceptional residents

With a Newsletter – Timing is Everything.

To optimize your newsletter timing, take a look at the best practices below  to enhance engagement and effectiveness:

Frequency: A monthly schedule is often ideal. This allows sufficient time to gather content, ensuring the newsletter remains informative without becoming a burden to produce. Monthly newsletters help maintain a consistent communication rhythm that residents can anticipate.

Mid-Month Releases: Sending newsletters around the middle of the month can be beneficial. This timing avoids the clutter often seen at the beginning or end of the month when citizens inboxes are getting bombarded.

Weekdays: Tuesdays and Wednesdays are typically the best days for sending emails. Avoid the Monday rush and the Friday wind-down, to maximize your open rates and engagement.

Content Relevance: Aligning newsletter content with upcoming community events or deadlines (like tax payments or public meetings) can make the information timelier and more actionable for residents.

Engagement Metrics: Monitoring open rates and feedback can help determine if adjustments in timing or frequency are needed. If residents respond better to certain days or times, adapting accordingly can improve engagement.

Just remember – only send to folks who’ve actually signed up for your emails. Nobody likes spam, even if it’s from their local government.

One Last Tip – Consistency is Key

Establish some standards. Think about structure, language, tone, and even punctuation.  It might seem nitpicky, but it’ll help boost your agency’s recognition and credibility in the long run. A great editing tool I use daily is Grammarly.  Just a note, I just a huge fan, I just a regular subscriber who finds it incredibly useful.

Look, adoption marketing like we described might not be second nature for most government agencies. But starting with solid blog posts and newsletters can go a long way. They’re educational, shareable, and give you a reliable way to reach your residents. So why not give it a shot? Your community (and your customer service team) will thank you.